Jesus: uma ameaça
CROSSAN, J.D., The historical Jesus. The Life of a Mediterranean Peasant,
San Francisco 1991;
STEGEMANN, E. e W., Urchristliche Sozialgeschichte. Die Anfänge in Judentum
und die Christusgemeinden in der mediterranen Welt, Stuttgart,
STEGEMANN, W./MALINA, B.J./THEISSEN, G., The Social Stting of Jesus
and the Gospels, Minneapolis, 2002;
THEISSEN, G., Die Jesusbewegung. Sozialgeschichte einer Revolution der
Werte, Gütersloh, 2004.
Outras publicações do autor na linha do presente artigo – fornecidas pelo tradutor:
VANOYEN, G., Irony as Propaganda in Mark 15, 39, em: Persuasion and Dissuasion
in Early Christianity, Ancient Judaism and Hellenism, ed. P. van
der Horst, Peeters, Leuven 2003, 125-141;
_______, De Marcuscode, Averbode (Kok Kampen), Altiora 2005;
_______/KEVERS, P., De apocriefe Jezus, Acco, Leuven/Voorburg 2006;
_______,Het orgelpunt bovenMarcus 16,7-8, em: Schrift, 208 (2003) 125-130;
_______, Herodes Antipas versus Johannes de Doper, em: Schrift, 217 (2005)
_______, Petrus in het Nieuwe Testament, em: Schrift, 219 (2005) 71-75.
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